Pain manifests in diffrent ways. From physical, to mental and emotional. Pain can manifest as acute (short term), chronic (long term),neuropathic (affecting the nerves) and nociceptive (resultant of tissue damage). These types of pain can manifest after surgeries, post partum, sports injuries, vehicle accidents, and trauma.
Each aspect of these manifestations of pain has a professional who can help you move past the discomfort, to provide you with pain management options. Modalities such as psychology, physical therapies, plant medicines, can all assist in the reframing, transmutation and processing of pain.
I am one of these professionals. Using a professional toolkit of 25+ years of experience in the physical and metaphysical modalities that support your medical professionals advise.
What do I mean when I say this?
I am not a doctor or a psychologist (I do not diagnose or prescribe). However, I use modalities that are supported by these medical professions. I use measured, information from the natural world to bring you an understanding of your whole self via the conscious and the subconscious. Ultimately allowing your self directed experience to shine through.
It is with great passion and excitement that I bring these healing modalities. I believe that you do not have to live in pain, that the pain we experience can be transmuted into a healing and growth experience.
When you are ready, a LifeMassage can help to bring some of these themes to light. If you are ready to start your journey to health and wellbeing, allowing for your unique personality and needs to be met, I am here... LifeMassage to the rescue!